Obsidian extensions
What extensions do I recommend?
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Obsidian extensions
I’ve been using Obsidian for a long time now. In the beginning, I was using it for everything. Tasks, calendar, bookmarks, notes, presentations etc. It was a bit overwhelming, fitting all my life into one app. But it worked — kinda. Since Obsidian allows users to submit their own extensions (and it’s relatively simple to tweak it with your own CSS and Javascript) I went over the top and installed everything I found even remotely interesting. It was a bit chaotic, but it was fun! Months passed and many of the extensions I once installed were left unused. I turned off almost all my custom CSS and went with the minimal theme and a few core extensions.
For the moment my go-to extensions are:
- Dataview: Let you query your notes - almost like SQL and has a simple JS API
- Templater: A must. Define templates, functions and variables and throw them into your notes
- Linter: Lints and formats on save. Just a must as a developer. Always lint files on save!
- Reference generator: Loves a good-looking note with fancy references
- Footnote shortcut: Creates a numbered or named footnote with a shortcut
I still use Obsidian for daily tasks and projects, but not really in a strict way as before when I tried to follow the guidelines from Getting things done. Now I mostly just write my tasks in my daily note and add some tags to it like this:
- [ ] #todo/maybe 'the task information'
- [ ] #todo/projects/project-name 'the task information'
and then i query them in my project note or just use the search in the sidebar.
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